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You have heard the stats, your business idea might be one in a million, but your chances of failure are still sky-high. Visit our post for more details.

How to Argue Well So You Can Turn Business Conflicts Into Success

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Many women business owners dream of living ‘the high life’, when, in reality, they’re super busy, overworked and sometimes forget how important self-care is.

Why Self Care is Important For Women in Business

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By Jemimah Ashleigh. When you work in retail, this time of year is commonly referred to as the calm before the storm. We are in that sweet spot where November has started but the Christmas carols haven’t taken over yet (unless you’re absolutely Christmas…

Christmas is Coming – The Retailers War Cry!

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Let me be clear here & say that I have not resigned from my current full-time Govt job my workplace has been polite enough grant me leave for 8 month period.

Things You Should Know Before You Quit Your Day Job