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Anxiety is climbing in Australia, with the Australian Bureau of Statistics reporting that anxiety-related problems have increased from 3.8 per cent of the total population in 2011–12 to 11.2 per cent in 2014–2015.

7 smart ways to deal with anxiety as a small business owner

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There aren’t enough hours in the day – I get it. Take it from someone who runs three startups; there’s only so much you can do and trying to be everything, to everyone, all the time isn’t going to work wonders for your mental, physical or emotional health.

How to Find the Perfect Contractor for You and Your Business

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When going out to start a business most of your head space is taken up with how much epic you can give to the world and how much you love what you do …


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In January of this year, I went to Bali for a Retreat ‘Ultimate Human Experience’ and after 5 days, I had created an extremely strong bond with the amazing women I had met on the retreat.

Starting a Mastermind – by accident and then on purpose

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In the past 36 hours alone, two potential collaborations are at risk because of MEN’S actions. One person is failing at delivering on work they have promised.

Why Women Are Winning – International Women’s Day

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I’m big of reflecting on the year that’s been and finding out what that 12 months has given to me.

A friend recently called my 2017 as ‘tumultuous’, meaning amazing and terrible all in one. They nailed it. There have been some amazing highs and some absolute trainwreck moments.

Lessons of 2017

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Earlier this week, the final episode of The Business Experiment aired and I’ve taken a few days to compile my thoughts and feelings about it coming to an end.

Now that the Experiment is over….

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It’s a crazy world out there in Social Town right now – blogs, content, sharing, repurposing, originality and the constant need to be ‘out there’ spreading the word – your word! It’s exhausting and, quite frankly, it seems never ending.

Why your social media is boring

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Ahhhhh Millennials…riddles wrapped in a mystery, wrapped in an enigma. Or at least that how it feels trying to market to them. Their loyalty is mercurial, their..

Cracking the Millennial Market

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OK, are you sitting down ‘cause I have a confession to make…ready… I actually like networking! There, I’ve said it. It’s weird I know, but it’s true!

Network like a boss!