Earlier this week, the final episode of The Business Experiment aired and I’ve taken a few days to compile my thoughts and feelings about it coming to an end.
Our first episode aired on 4th July 2016 using $50 sets from JB Hi-Fi and a free Skype recorder. We honestly had little to no expectations about the podcast. We had naively thought that a podcast would be a fun little side project where we could document our journey. Even if no one listened we got to chat about business and Shev and I would get to hang out once a week.
The final episode aired on 28 December 2017, on its 50th episode. We have over 60+ countries on board with a reach of over 4 million people.
The Business Experiment was and will remain a legacy to some level of naivety I wish for everyone in business for if we had known, I can promise you- we wouldn’t have done it.
To say ‘baptism by fire’, would be an understatement. We quickly found our place in the podcasting world. Sharktank PR called, we had Lisa Song Sutton agree to be on the show and we were in 11 countries in our first week. That happens to every podcast, right?
In the past 18 months, we have continued to grow beyond our wildest dreams. We’ve made a large ‘business real’ community where it is now okay to discuss the real of entrepreneurship. We’ve been featured in dozens of media outlets. We’ve been nominated for numerous awards and interviewed some of the most influential people in the world.
To end the podcast at the height of its success seems to most people counterintuitive. In one of the early discussions about the potential ending, we talked about the hard truth of not being scared to leave the party early. Behind the scenes, our individual businesses were growing and it was getting harder and harder to record. Shev and I never lived in the same city while we created this – in fact, we weren’t even in the same time zone. Also, we felt like we had nailed the topic and that we were running out of things to talk about. With the end of 2017 looming, we made the decision after months of discussion.
I remember hanging up the phone and being deeply relieved with equal levels of exhaustion and heartbreak. I still feel all these things when I think about it coming to an end.
I will be ever grateful to Shevonne and our amazing team for all their hard work putting this together. And our fans and listeners, thank you for coming along on this journey with us. I dedicate every episode to you. The Business Experiment will remain evergreen online – as long as I remember to pay our subscription- and hope that in the future more people will find us and we will help them through their entrepreneurial journey.
I step out of 2017 leaving this amazing beautiful project behind and I’m excited for 2018 with massive goals, a pending book launch and some amazing projects ahead. If you think what I did before was good, hold on. Cause 2018 will be EPIC.
Watch this space.
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