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Oh hello there! If you have been near me in the past 3 months, you already know what I am doing to say. Apologies if you heard this already this week but…YOU NEED TO ENTER BUSINESS AWARDS THIS YEAR. In the second half of 2023, we are going to see at least 300 business awards […]

We Need to Talk About Entering Awards

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1. Say YES more Even when it’s inconvenient. Even when it seems like a bit of a stretch. Say yes to things and figure out what happens next. Because I said YES, this year I have done the following: And much much more. I was invited, opportunities arose – and here we are. Say YES. […]

Things I Learned In My 38th Year

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One of the most popular options that business users to engage their audience is to run an event. This can be very successful for some but falls flat for many.

Power of Collaboration in Business

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When going out to start a business most of your head space is taken up with how much epic you can give to the world and how much you love what you do …